At Adept Fasteners we focus on improvement throughout the organization through effective planning, communication of goals, having a dedicated, motivated workforce and measuring the results. Those results are analyzed and the process repeats.
Quality assurance is an important part of service to our customers. Every lot of material received is fully inspected and the certifications are reviewed for conformance to purchase order, drawing and specifications requirements. Inspection sampling in accordance with ANSI Z1.4 is utilized, and all acceptance numbers are reduced to zero (C=0). If one nonconforming piece is found in the inspection sample, the entire lot is rejected or screened for the defect. All of the inspection equipment needed for fastener inspection is available, including indicating gauges for system 23 thread inspections.
Adept Fasteners uses a digital storage and retrieval system for all inspection records and certifications. State-of-the-art scanning equipment and imaging software is used to ensure optimum image quality.
Adept Fasteners maintains a quality system registered to AS9100 Rev D, AS9120 Rev B, and ISO9001-2015. Detailed AS/ISO audit information is available for review on the industry’s OASIS website.
Certifications and Documentation
AS9100 Certificate
AS9120 Certificate
FAA AC00-56 Certificate
Purchasing Clauses
Quality Policy